About Me

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I am a wetland ecologist specializing in boreal and temperate systems and have been a faculty member at MacEwan University since 2010. I began my training as a Fish and Wildlife Technician (Sir Sandford Fleming College, 1984) and later did a BES Geography with an emphasis on biogeography (University of Waterloo, 1997), an M.Sc. Biology examing the effects of constructed wetlands on bird communities and vegetation (University of Waterloo, 1999), and then a PhD in Environmental Biology and Ecology , focussing a various aspects of boreal peatlands from classification, biogeochemistry, differences in plant diversity and rarity across peatland types, the various impacts of logging on peatlands, and biogeographical determinants of plant diversity and rarity in wooded moderate-rich fens (University of Alberta, 2005).

My research interests and expertise are broad and include wetland classification and evaluation, plant rarity, diversity, and biogeography, plant ecology, bird and amphibian ecology, wetland biogeochemistry, natural and human impacts on wetlands, and wetland policy and practice. I have conducted wetland and other research in the subarctic, boreal, prairie, and temperate regions across Canada.

I am a practicing Professional Wetland Scientist and Professional Biologist and have experience conducting environmental impact assessments, wetland evaluations, plant community classification,and rare plant surveys.

I currently teach Freshwater Ecology (Biol 310), Biological Statistics (Biol 337), and Principles of Ecology (Biol 208), co-teach Field Methods in Ecology (Biol 410), and occasionally teach a special topics course, Biol 495, Contemporary Issues in Freshwater Ecology.

I am Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta (Faculty of Agricultural, Life, & Environmental Sciences) and at Athabasca University (Faculty of Science and Technology at Athabasca University).

Of course, I am fascinated with the concept of Wetlands as Keystone Ecosystems and firmly believe that this ecosystem type is a keystone in many biomes/jurisdictions, including Alberta.

Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss wetlands.

David Locky, PhD, PWS, PBiol

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