Craftsman Studios’ Classic 10 inch vase is one of their most fantastic designs. Because they are marked with the earliest CS mark, a conjoined CS, we know they were made in the mid-1920s. We know they came in brown, the classic CS peacock green colou with gold enamel, and possibly a green with gold undertones, not unlike various desksets and and bookends.
However, where did the design come from? See the two vases from above with a newly discovered larger (12″) acid-etched and hammered vase in between (but shrunk and thus, not to scale)…
The Missing Link! This vase is unmarked but very clearly, IMHO, the prototype for the CS 10″ vase from the mid-1920s. Here is the prototype vase with a number of other 10″ CS vases:
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And here is the prototype vase in all it’s glory.
And here is the 12″ CS prototype vase to scale with a 10″ CS vase, and the rest of the best dang CS vase collection in existence. Thanks to David Kornaki for the use of this great image.